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Virgo forecast for Monday March 24, 2025

Cainer Horoscopes
Cainer Horoscopes
Updated: 20 hours ago
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We describe situations as being 'normal'. But what does that term really indicate? Of course, we've all got an idea of what it means to us. But we also, on a deeper level, know that it's just an idea, a concept, a hope, and a fantasy. The truth, is that nothing is 100% 'normal'. If it was, it would be abnormal! Which suggests that abnormal things are normal! With your ruler, Mercury, retrograde, you're becoming more sensitive to the 'abnormalities' in your world. Today, as it links with the Sun, you'll see the gifts hidden within them.

The universe speaks a secret language written just for you. To truly understand your place in the cosmos, you must first understand yourself. Your Sun-sign is merely the doorway - your complete birth chart reveals the entire cosmic blueprint of your destiny. Unlock the full picture that may transform your entire life's journey. Claim your personal celestial map now!

March 23, 2025

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Although you're appreciated for your patience, your modesty, and the quiet, intelligent way you handle situations, not everyone understands what makes you tick. And some people take advantage of your generosity; they project their expectations onto you in a way that pushes you into doing more than you should. This week, you'll benefit from spending time with someone who's on your wavelength; you need to let off steam. You're more talented than you realise. And so are they. Mutual appreciation will lead to success.

March 22, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope: You might sometimes fantasise about living someone else's life and adopting their lifestyle. But you're you. And deep down, there's no one else you'd rather be. Which should be enough to reassure you that you're more than capable of dealing with your current 'less than ideal' situation. At least you know it well enough to find your way around it. The journey you're on leads to a delightful destination; and the route you're taking is lined with possibilities. Here come reasons to be glad you're you, leading your life.

March 21, 2025

Every day that passes seems to bring more issues to consider. Which means you've got more and more to think about. And as your depth of knowledge grows, so does your level of understanding. Your retrograde ruler, Mercury, is encouraging you to reassess the past and recognise where it has brought you. Since you're still in the processing stage, there's no need to jump to conclusions this weekend. The factors and forces that have brought you to this point have your best interests at heart. You've got the support you need.

March 20, 2025

Making the perfect cup of tea is trickier than it sounds. Numerous websites and books focus on the best technique. Apparently, a mug is a no-no. It's best to start with a warm teapot. And the humble teabag is looked on with disdain; to get the best flavour, actual tea leaves are essential. Yet surely the perfect cuppa is the one that appears just when you most need it?! The spirit of your success today depends on the attitude you take (rather than the details). The Equinox promises that the right things will appear at the right time.

March 19, 2025

Astrology is based on interpreting celestial messages and signs. So, it's a bit ironic that today's prediction advises you to pay less attention to the signs and signals you're currently receiving! But, as we move towards the Equinox, be wary of information from other people, and make space for the insight your retrograde ruler is bringing. It involves a situation from the past, and moving beyond an outdated thinking pattern. This is a chance for you to rewrite the book of your own personal history. If you do, the path ahead looks bright.

March 18, 2025

Most cultures and faiths have a long-held belief in a 'day of reckoning', where our misdeeds and good actions come under scrutiny. But we don't need to wait for that! We're judgemental by nature; it doesn't take much for us to criticise other people. And we're experts at self-criticism too. With your ruler, retrograde, you're holding yourself responsible for a tricky situation. You're basing this on the way you handled a past decision. Yet who has the right to say you were wrong? If you stop blaming yourself, you'll know how to resolve it.