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I'm 55 and happier than ever - here’s how

Hollywood makeup artist Monika Blunder, 55 shares her tips for being the best version of you at midlife

July 18, 2024

When Hollywood makeup artist and mom of two, Monika Blunder, started her company, Monika Blunder Beauty three and a half years ago at the age of 48, it was a dream come true. And it was a challenge that she knew she couldn't have done when she was younger. 

"It's always been a dream of mine to have my own makeup line," Monika tells HELLO! "I immigrated from Austria to America when I was 23, and when I began my career working as a makeup artist for A-listers such as Kate Hudson, Gemma Chan and Jennifer Garner, I always felt inspired by makeup artist founders such as Janine Labelle from Stila and François Nars to develop my own brand one day."

Juggling her career and family life during her twenties and thirties was a struggle and Monika realised that she wasn’t ready to start her business at that time. "I was working as a makeup artist with big celebrity clients, which required a lot of travel. It was tough leaving my children alone for two weeks at a time, and I often cried at the airport when I saw moms with their little children - I was envious of that when I was working so hard. But now, I'm so grateful that I kept working because I see those moms now, and many of them feel lost as their kids leave for college. The mom guilt is real, but looking back, you just have to do what works for your family. Every family has different priorities, and you can't compare yourself to others."

Monika has worked for some of Hollywood's biggest stars including Megan Fox, Kate Hudson and Jennifer Garner

An impending empty nest was one of the main reasons that inspired Monika to launch Monika Blunder Beauty.  "As I got older, I started looking for the next best thing. I loved doing makeup - it's so creative - but it's definitely a job for the young. I was 48, my time was freed up and I wanted something of my own. I was thinking about retirement plans and getting older. This is when I knew it was the right moment to start my business."

Use experience to find your 'why'

A newfound confidence, spurred on by Monika’s solid and long career in makeup, helped her shape and create her brand, which is something she recognises wouldn't have been apparent in her younger years. 

"My experience meant that I knew what works and what doesn't and I'm grateful for the time I spent working on set, listening to women talk about what they liked and didn't like, and seeing which products worked under different lights and in various situations. I don't know if I could have done this in my early thirties without that experience. I think our confidence level increases as we age," Monica explains. "I don't give a damn about negative comments on Instagram anymore. If someone doesn't like my content, they can unfollow me. This security in who I am is really nice."

READ: 7 genuine reasons my fifties are my best decade yet 

Follow a daily schedule to thrive

While Monika recognises that navigating the challenges of midlife can be daunting, she believes that a strict daily routine that includes working out and going to bed early helps her thrive. "I love my strict schedule because it pushes me out of my comfort zone, making me stronger. Weightlifting, in particular, has been transformative for me, building muscle mass and strengthening my bones, which is crucial as we age.

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"On days that I have brain fog, I make sure I really focus on my self-care habits," she explains. "Working out, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep are crucial for me now. I get up super early, hit the gym by 6:00 AM, and follow a strict routine that includes working out four days a week. This discipline gives me clarity, sanity, and helps me stay healthy and strong."

© Variety

Monika Blunder works with A-listers such as Jennifer Garner and Kate Hudson

Go to bed early 

Monika also says that going to bed early is key for thriving in midlife. "I usually go to bed by nine, read a book, and try to avoid scrolling on Instagram. Quality sleep is essential, and I aim for at least eight hours. Sleep between 10 PM and 1 AM is the most powerful and restorative. I'm not as sharp without good sleep, and interrupted sleep is another side effect of menopause. To improve sleep, I recommend physical activity such as an evening walk, avoiding stimulating activities before bed, and creating a calming routine."

READ: Why dressing up happy sets me up for success

Don't strive to be perfect 

Even though Monica’s weekdays are strictly structured, she isn't afraid to break the rules a little at the weekend. "My weekdays are structured, but on Fridays, my husband and I enjoy a date night. I love having a glass of wine or an espresso martini to unwind. I no longer restrict myself with dieting. If I want a burger, I have it without guilt, balancing indulgence with mindfulness."

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