Following on from the success of HELLO!’s #HelloToKindness campaign, supporting kindness online and putting an end to trolling, Baroness Helen Newlove, Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales is now backing the movement by taking it to the House of Lords.
"I'm an avid reader of HELLO! magazine so for me to see this campaign was very important. Along with the work that I do, I see very traumatised young people, and older people, through online trolling and horrible messages, so I'm honoured to support the #HelloToKindness campaign." Baroness Helen is no stranger to the meanness and trolling that many experience online, having been through a similar situation herself.
MORE: HELLO! magazine's #HelloToKindness campaign is going to Parliament
"Professionally there have been people who have trolled me on the social media sites, so much so that I signed myself off and gave that back to the office, because the negativity wasn't doing me any good and I just thought, they're taking over my life and that's not good. So I really understand words really are very hurtful and dangerous."
She is now taking the campaign to the House of Lords, in an effort to make a real change once and for all. “I think a lot of the older peers in the House of Lords will actually be supportive of the campaign because it is promoting the next generation to understand and be appreciative of people. I would imagine there'll be a few that think, ‘Why do we need to do this, shouldn't that be a given?’ But that's the problem – we've created a social platform where you can be anybody else, say what you want, and you don't pick up the hurt from that.
"I think it's a very important point because young people are taking their lives from silly actions from people who don't really know what they're doing. And I like a good debate, that's what the House is for!" And at the end of the day, she says, there's one simple message she hopes to get across. "Kindness does not cost money, kindness creates a healthier generation."
READ: Duchess of York writes open letter about social media
It's not too late to support our campaign. Join our movement and say #HelloToKindness by sharing a kind message, video or caption on Instagram. Simply post your message, including the hashtag #HelloToKindness and tag @hellomag to spread the word. Plus, write to your local MP to encourage them to support the motion and sign it.