While visiting St Austell Brewery in Cornwall as part of its 150th anniversary celebrations, Prince Charles suggested the novel idea of combining banks, post offices and pubs under one roof.
“I am starting a small campaign of my own to make the pub become the hub,” Charles revealed. “More and more banks are closing and post offices are closing. Why can’t we have all three in one in the pub?”
Charles’ one-stop-shopping idea provoked mixed reactions among those present. “Many pubs already offer services such as cash back, so Prince Charles’ brainwave may not be so off-the-wall,” says deputy general secretary of the communication workers’ union John Keggie. “However, I can’t see it being more than basic services such as paying money in and drawing money out. The idea of someone pulling a pint and then trying to sell you a pension would be a step too far.”
While visiting the pub Charles pulled himself a pint. Ruefully eyeing the result, he said, “I need some practice at this. It is all foam and no beer,” adding, for the benefit of assembled photographers, “I don’t want to get it on the end of my nose, although that is what you are hoping for.”
Head brewer Roger Pyman later deconstructed the princely “pull”. “He didn’t do too bad. I’m sure with a bit of practice he will make an excellent barman.”