Russian premier Vladimir Putin gave a banquet for Swedish King Carl Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia in the Kremlin's magnificent St Alexander Hall on Monday night. Queen Silvia, elegant in an emerald green evening gown, chatted amiably with Vladimir Putin’s wife Lyudmila before a welcoming toast was offered by Russian politicians and dignitaries.
The Swedish monarchs are in Russia for a state visit at the invitation of the country’s president. The official tour is to last five days, during which the King and Queen will take in Moscow, St Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk.
It is the Swedish royal couple’s second visit to Russia in more than 20 years - the first took place in 1978.
Shortly after the welcoming ceremony in the Kremlin, King Carl Gustaf and Mr Putin held a one-to-one conversation about the current world situation.
The Scandinavian country’s king said he was glad to be able to come to Moscow despite the current global troubles and expressed regret that his daughter, Crown Princess Victoria, was unable to travel with him and his wife. The heir to the throne has visited Russia on several occasions however, and the King later joked, “(Victoria) knows your country better than I do”.
As well as strengthening relations between the two countries, King Carl Gustaf hopes to spend time during the visit looking at ecological issues and cooperation between Russia and Sweden in that area.