They have finally realised that career and royalty do not mix – but which will they choose? The Earl and Countess of Wessex have acknowledged that there is a conflict of interest between their respective jobs and their royal status, after recent debacles – Sophie’s “fake sheikh” scandal, and Edward’s involvement in the breaching of Prince William’s privacy – increased public scrutiny of the pair.
The couple are said to be shocked by the vehemence of the attacks against them, sources say. They had hoped to be allowed to continue combining business with royal duties, after a review by the Lord Chamberlain concluded that members of the royal family would not have to choose between their jobs and official engagements, following Sophie’s PR gaffe.
But that was until the fiasco between St Andrews University and Prince Edward’s production company, Ardent. William’s father, Prince Charles, was said to be “incandescent” when he heard that a camera crew from his brother’s firm had broken the agreement to leave the 19-year-old prince to study in peace.
And further revelations this weekend, in which a business letter from Prince Edward outlining his royal connections was leaked to a British newspaper, look to have ended any possibility of him continuing a dual role. “Access to the subject matter would be considerably more difficult without using my name,” said the letter, written on Ardent headed paper. “The ultimate attraction of such a project to a wider audience will be enhanced by my presence.”
It is thought that the Queen will not tell her youngest son to give up his TV career, but the commercial viability of Ardent, which is heavily in debt – although it posted a meagre profit for the first time in its history last year – must be in doubt after so many damaging revelations.