As the tenor bell at Westminster Abbey tolled one hundred and one times on Tuesday, dozens from the world’s royal families gathered in the historic church to bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. The pomp and circumstance of the cerEmonial march in the streets of London contrasted with the sad strains of organ music inside Westminster Abbey, lending an air of both solemnity and celebration to the occasion.
With the perfume of hundreds of lilies and roses in the Queen Mother’s favourite colours perfuming the Abbey, twenty-five members of European royalty filed down the center aisle. Among them were the monarchs of the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Spain. Princess Muna of Jordan and the Sultan of Brunei were just two of the non-European dignitaries who took places in the pews.
Prime Minister Tony Blair, in a black suit and tie, led the list of prominent government leaders in attendance, along with the prime ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson were among the international statesmen seated in the abbey.
Outside, military parades coloured the streets while thousands paid their last respects.
The Queen Mother's coffin was escorted into the Abbey by Prince Andrew, Charles and Philip, all in full military regalia. The Queen had entered separately.