The Earl and Countess of Wessex and their newborn daughter are finally back home together after the newest member of the Royal Family was discharged from hospital on Sunday.
"It is the best day ever," said Sophie as she collected her little girl from Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey. The family was met by cheers from both staff and patients as they made their way through the corridors of the hospital and out to their car.
The happy day comes after a tough two weeks for Edward and Sophie, as their baby was born a month premature. She was delivered by emergency caesarean after the Countess was rushed to hospital suffering from stomach pains on November 8. Mother and child then faced a separation after the baby was taken to a neo-natal unit in London while Sophie was kept under observation at Frimley Park.
All three are now happily reunited in their Bagshot Park home, however. And though they have not yet named the infant, the Wessexes are clearly delighted with their new arrival. "They are just very, very excited about bringing her home," said a Buckingham Palace spokeswoman. "They are both completely besotted. No baby was ever wanted more than this."