Drive down memory lane for William as he's presented with Aston Martin cake

October 18, 2012

The moment when Prince William and the newly-minted Duchess of Cambridge drove down the Mall in his father's vintage Aston Martin was one of the highlights of April's royal wedding. And there was a chance for the Duke to relive the magic moment this week when he attended a charity dinner in London.

William did a double take when he was shown a novelty cake recreating the scene – complete with the car and the smiling newlyweds inside. Claudia Newberry, of Bidborough, Kent, who made it, said: ''It is a vanilla cake, with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream. "And only three components of the cake are not edible – the windscreen, Catherine's veil, and the wires holding on the balloons.''William was at the event in aid of the St Giles Trust, seeks to prevent offenders continuing their involvement in crime by helping people in trouble with the law resettle and break the cycle of offending. He is patron of the 50th anniversary and says the trust is a great inspiration.

''This charity truly inspires me. It has touched the lives of a quarter of a million people over the past five decades," said the 30-year-old royal. "These are people from the margins of society who, thanks to this charity, were able to recover from an appalling start and go on to live successful, productive and positive lives. "What started as a small soup kitchen for the homeless and destitute has become one of the leading charities in this country helping ex-offenders to reform, resettle, and – critically- to break out of the costly and destructive cycle of reoffending."

William attended the event solo, without the Duchess of Cambridge

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