Heartwarming photos of British royal siblings through the decades

April 29, 2015

Prince George will soon find out what it’s like to be a bigbrother, with his mother Kate Middleton due to give birth at any moment. But for this littleroyal, a sibling will be more than just a playmate; it will also be a source ofsupport and one of the few people who can understand what it’s like to grow upin the royal goldfish bowl.

William was known as the mischievous one growing up with Harry Photo: Getty Images

Royal childhoods havechanged radically since Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926. She and her sister,Princess Margaret, were brought up in rigid formality, with nannies and nurserymaids looking after them for most of the day and only seeing their parents atbreakfast or dinner. The Queen didn’t attend school and was educated at homewith private tutors. She was only 25 when she became a monarch and wasn’t able tohave the close relationship with her own four children that Prince William and Kate currently enjoy with their son.

Princes William and Harry pictured at their home in Kensington Palace Photo: Getty Images

It was Princess Diana andher down-to-earth parenting philosophy that revolutionized the way royal kids grow up.Although she taught William and Harry to respect their heritage, they were alsoshown a more casual side of life. They ate at McDonald's, went to themovies at the local theater and enjoyed trips to theme parks.

They were also able tomix with other non-royal children at home and school, and often played with thetwo sons of their butler Paul Burrell, something that would have beena bit foreign for royals like Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

Prince Charles, 5, and Princess Anne, 3, in 1954 Photo: Rex

One thing that remainsunchanged though is the support that royal siblings offer each other, fromMargaret speaking on the phone to her sister every day to Harry describingWilliam as "my best friend." William and Harry even routinely poke funat each other in their speeches, with William calling Harry “ginger”, and Harrymaking fun of William’s receding hairline.

Just how vital thesespecial relationships have been over the years is clear as HELLO! looks backover nine decades of royal childhood.



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