After celebrating the holidaysamong her royal relatives, Queen Elizabeth is already looking ahead to this brandnew, milestone year. In her annual Christmas Day broadcast, Britain’s longest reigningmonarch said, “I am looking forward to a busy 2016.”The Queen, who will turn 90 years old in April, remarked, “I have been warned Imay have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.”
While Prince George’s great-grandmotheris anticipating an active year, royal insiders believe there might be a slightchange of pace when it comes to her royal duties after her birthday celebrationsduring the summer.
“She will not be doing less, just doingit more gently,” a palace source tells HELLO!. “There is a lot happeningbetween now and July, so it is about trying to find ways for her to work lessstrenuously.”
As she enters her tenth decade,England’s Queen will gradually begin to spend more time over the summer at Balmoral. To conserve her energy, the senior royal will also spendlonger periods at Windsor Castle on weekends.
The monarch’s public duties will bepacked into fewer days allowing for more downtime. During this period, youngermembers of the royal family will continue to step up with their own obligations andsupport her.
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The Queen is expected to spend herApril 21st birthday at Windsor, however she will be in London for aseries of special commemorations inJune. She will be present on June 10 for a Service of Thanksgiving held at St.Paul’s Cathedral in honor of Prince Philip’s 95th birthday, followedby the Trooping the Colour on June 11.
The entire royal family is anticipated to attend the Patron’s Lunch on June 12, which will involve a street partyfor 10,000 people on The Mall to celebrate the Queen’s patronage of more than600 charities and organizations to mark her 90th birthday.