The Queen's secret Trooping the Colour guests revealed – and they're not family

Her Majesty's official birthday was marked at Windsor Castle

queen smiling parade© Photo: PA
June 14, 2020

On Saturday, the Queen marked her official birthday with a stunning but low-key Trooping the Colour at Windsor Castle, where she has been self-isolating with Prince Philip since March.

Unlike other past years, her Majesty attended alone, without any family members. However, new pictures from the event show that the 94-year-old monarch actually had company and they also happily watched the parade - from the various buildings at Windsor Castle!

READ: Why Prince Philip missed the Queen's birthday parade Trooping the Colour

Windsor Castle staff looked on as the parade took place

Eagle-eyed royal blogger Gert's Royals was the first to spot Her Majesty's staff members during the BBC live stream. Sharing several pictures of the staff watching the parade through windows, she wrote on Twitter: "Castle staff watch Trooping the Colours from the Windows of various buildings at Windsor Castle."

WATCH as the Queen dances whilst watching the parade

It was no doubt a day to remember for everyone at Windsor Castle, as Saturday was the first time the sovereign's birthday parade has been held there since 1895 during the reign of Queen Victoria. Trooping the Colour has marked the official birthday of the sovereign since 1748.

Despite the lack of family members, balcony appearance and even RAF flypast, the Queen seemed to enjoy the parade, and was even spotted nodding her head to the music at some point.

© Photo: PA

It was the first time the parade was held at Windsor Castle since 1895

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The monarch wore a floral silk jade grey and dusty pink dress by Stewart Parvin and hat by Rachel Trevor-Morgan, with the diamond leek brooch of the Welsh Guards.

At the Queen's side throughout the ceremony was Vice-Admiral Tony Johnstone-Burt, the Master of the Household who has been overseeing what has been nicknamed "HMS Bubble" – the loyal group of staff working for the Queen and Prince Philip at Windsor throughout the lockdown.

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