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Sagittarius forecast for Wednesday May 15, 2024

Updated: 15 hours ago
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Who's calling all the shots? And who's jumping to attention and running around doing their best to fulfil the demands being made? If you've instantly pictured a relationship that fits this description, it's likely that you're seeing yourself as the person with no control. But things are changing. The power dynamic is shifting into a much healthier place. As Mercury (the planet of intellect) changes signs, if you think about how you'd like things to be (rather than how they are) this relationship will start working in a much more balanced way.

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May 14, 2024

So, we're advised to quit when we're ahead. But that's easier said than done. Being ahead feels good. And if we want to get further ahead, what's wrong with keeping going? Sometimes forging forwards and pushing beyond normal limits leads to great results. And you're an adventurous Sagittarian; you flourish when you're in front. Today, if you think you can see an opportunity that looks risky, but worth the effort, give it a go. In your relationship world, where you reach for a deeper connection, fortune will favour you.

May 13, 2024

"It is we that are blind, not fortune." This well-observed saying is worth bearing in mind today. Luck isn't blind. It's just subtle about its movements. And since we can't predict how and when it will appear, we think we've lost sight of it (or that it has lost sight of us). But you've got a special relationship with fortune. Ruled by lucky Jupiter, you're more open to its call than most. If you're at your most ingenious today, and trust that you're being looked after, you'll realise that whatever you need is much closer than you think.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: I'm not particularly good at gardening. Some of the plants in my garden thrive without any attention. Others, no matter what I do, are reluctant to grow. But the idea of giving up and not bothering is disheartening. This week, if you focus your attention on what's abundant in your world, you'll find the energy to attend to other aspects, which could do with some nurturing. And, as the Sun energises your ruling planet, Jupiter, unlike my gardening, in your relationship world, you can encourage something new to blossom.

May 11, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: A situation has slipped out of your control. It's disconcerting. But it's a blessing in disguise. The shift means you're no longer able to invest your precious energy into trying to preserve a precarious status quo. You didn't want to be the instigator of change. But, as you begin to assess the results, and the weight you've been carrying lessens, you'll realise that nothing's wrong. This week, as the Sun moves from a link with Uranus to convene with your ruler, it becomes clear that what's happening is more 'right' than you can imagine.

May 10, 2024

Our world is driven by market forces. Which is why we're bombarded by adverts! Yet we don't need to buy what we're being sold. We always have choice. If this weekend brings an offer you feel inclined to reject, take a second look. Under these powerful cosmic skies, you don't want to turn down something that could be beneficial. Just because it looks like something you recognise from the past, which didn't work out as planned, doesn't mean it's not worth investigating. There's a good chance it hides a golden opportunity.

May 09, 2024

When experiences go well, we don't learn much. Apart from working out how to repeat them, there's no real gain. Since life's a rollercoaster of ups and downs we need to develop the ability to deal with failure. Difficulties enable us to discover more about ourselves. When we have to dig deep, we find treasure we didn't know we had. The key is to not expect to be perfect. Then mistakes can make us stronger, more resilient, and more successful. If you appreciate all you've been through recently, you'll move onwards and upwards.