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Pisces forecast for Tuesday April 30, 2024

Updated: 2 hours ago
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We like what we know. And we know what we like. And because we're familiar with what we don't like, we quite like what we don't like too. What makes us uncomfortable, is not knowing. When we don't know, how are we supposed to work out whether we're going to like something (or not)? Mars leaving your sign gifts you with something you've been working towards. The issue is that you've been (secretly) wondering why you're set on achieving this goal. The unknown is always scary. But... you're going to like this.

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April 29, 2024

We're told that the past is over and impossible to change, and that the future can be shaped to suit us. But is that true? Or is everything predestined? This mystery certainly makes life interesting! Actually, history is more malleable than we think. When we reassess our view of past events, we change our relationship with them; and that has a big effect on our present, and our future. Today brings an opportunity for you to review a recent difficult situation and see it in a new light. A change of perspective will improve everything.

April 28, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Humans seem to love telling one another what they think and how they feel about what's going on in the world. This is good. Except that we don't always put much thought into accuracy. As long as we can make a firm statement, we're happy. You're waiting for important information from someone. But how are you going to gauge its relevance? It's hard to tell from their tone of voice. Or from the way they engage with you. Fortunately, your perceptive powers are being enhanced. Trust what your heart tells you.

April 27, 2024

Your May Monthly Horoscope: You're more resilient than you think. Your natural ability to go with the flow empowers you with an impressive ability to put up with the kinds of pressures that others struggle to deal with. This talent allows you to accomplish great things. But it also means that every so often you feel overwhelmed. Yes, you've been through a lot lately. But you've also got reasons to feel positive. This month, despite your concerns about what's going on in your life (not to mention the wider world), you'll find that everything gets much easier.

April 26, 2024

Sometimes things fall into place. We make plans and they work perfectly. Happy coincidences arrive. Serendipitous events seamlessly slot into our lives. We're 'in the flow'. But there are times when the opposite happens. And when everything that can go wrong does go wrong it's easy to think that nothing will ever go right. Yet both of these conditions - the good and the challenging, are part of our earthly experience. Today, as dynamic Mars moves to link with your ruler, Neptune, you can turn a situation on its head.

April 25, 2024

As a Piscean, you're obviously aware of the fact that fantasies are a waste of time. Why bother daydreaming when you can be getting on with something practical? Not to mention the pain when reality refuses to match the positivity of your vision. Stop! Some people actually believe dreams are futile. But yours are the gateway to your imagination. And in that realm, you can find solutions to real-life problems. Dare to dream today. Be as creative as you can be. If you apply your ingenuity, you can achieve wonderful things.

April 24, 2024

You don't need to be physically stronger. Neither do you need to bolster your psychological muscles. All you've got to do is find the confidence to dismiss a negative thought pattern. Or access the resolve to quell an unhelpful habit. And you can easily do that. The Pink Moon marked a moment when you can change the direction of your life. And with the energy of dynamic Mars powering through your sign, if you set yourself a new course, you'll be able to stick to it, for many months to come. It's transformation time.