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Virgo forecast for Tuesday May 14, 2024

Updated: 15 hours ago
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Who are you? I'm not talking about your name, where you live, and what you do with your time. This is a question about your essence. What makes you who you are? If you free yourself from all the labels you've accumulated, what are you truly capable of achieving? What makes you unique? What power lies hidden in your heart? What can you do to surprise yourself, and the people who know you? The reason I ask is that you need to ask yourself. If you open your mind to your potential, you can unleash a force for positive change.

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May 13, 2024

A frustrating situation is making you cross and grumpy. But getting angry isn't going to help. You need to channel those emotions in a way that will be useful. And you can do that by using them to fuel your determination. Try approaching your objective from a different angle. Be polite, but firm. And stay focused. Since these feelings make you uncomfortable, it might be tempting to distract yourself by turning your attention to other, easier things. But if you continue, a successful outcome to your current quest is assured.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There's a saying 'baker's children don't eat cakes or bread.' The idea is that the baker is so busy baking for their clients that they overlook the needs of their family. It applies to all areas of our lives. When we're compelled (for whatever reason) to use our talents, it's easy to forget to use them with the people who matter most. I mention this because this week, as your ruler, Mercury, leaves its shadow, you can address an imbalance. When you're doing your best and focused on someone special, a relationship will benefit. A lot.

May 11, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You need to use your energy skillfully. There's no point exhausting yourself running down a hill when there's a way of effortlessly sliding down the slope. This week, as your ruler, Mercury moves out of its shadow, it brings insight and sharpens your intuition. You can use these gifts to apply a clever strategy to a situation that's been draining your enthusiasm. If you think cleverly, not only will you avoid an uphill struggle, you'll find a satisfying way forwards, that leads you on a path filled with helpful encounters, to success.

May 10, 2024

You've got a decision to make. It's churning around in the back (and front) of your mind. Help! You don't seem to be getting any closer to working out what to do. The good news is that this weekend's cosmic climate offers assistance. There's another way of looking at this problem. And once you've found it, either you'll realise that you're on the right track, or find another track to follow. It's your self-doubt that's preventing you from moving forwards. Once you step into your power, you'll be able to work towards a positive outcome.

May 09, 2024

Imagine how people felt when the first trains rattled by! The noise. The steam. Scary! At the time, there were concerns about the effects of travelling at such fast speeds and the physical implications on the passengers' bodies. We ask similar questions about space travel and the effects of zero gravity. And even if those concerns are as irrelevant as the worries about train speeds, it's important to address them. It might be easy to dismiss someone's anxiety today. But if you take their views seriously, you'll be able to allay their fears.

May 08, 2024

They say that 'no man is an island'. Well... that's what they used to say. Nowadays, we include women and gender-fluid folk, too. None of us exist in isolation. However much we need our space, we need community, support and love. And these require other people. You've needed time for yourself. And reintegration feels a bit unnecessary; especially when someone is rubbing you up the wrong way. Don't let your appreciation of space stop you accepting an invitation. Despite your reservations, it deserves to be enjoyed.