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Taurus forecast for Sunday June 02, 2024

Updated: 5 hours ago
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Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Life is a bit like a lottery. We get excited. We hope we're about to experience an 'out of the blue' win. But jackpots are rare. So we reset our expectations, and invest in another 'ticket of hope'. But unlike the actual lottery, life brings chances to win every day. It's not a case of winning or losing and having no impact on the result. If you appreciate every moment for what it contains this New Moon week, and allow yourself to shine (without worrying about whether you're winning or losing) an emotional jackpot is yours for the taking.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

June 01, 2024

Your June Monthly Horoscope: The joy of cartoons is that the characters do things we'd love to do, but can't. If a problem occurs on the other side of the planet, they can be there in a trice, sort it out, and be home for tea! In June with power planet Mars moving into your sign, you might not be able to tele-transport, but your problem-solving skills are enhanced. You can see what's wrong. And fix it. The challenge will involve dealing with people who don't see the way to progress as fast as you. But with patience, you can work with them to create inspiring changes.

May 31, 2024

According to Einstein, humans view themselves as separate to the rest of the universe. Since this deluded mindset restricts our emotional response to others, he advised us to widen our compassion to embrace everyone. Wow! As a Taurean ruled by the planet of love, you're aware of the impact of positive emotions. This weekend, if you set out with the aim of being generous with your emotional responses, you'll attract more joy into your life. And encourage others to experience more in theirs. Which is good news for everyone.

May 30, 2024

You're in a process of transformation. But the changes are happening so gently that it's easy to overlook the positive signs and signals. So, try taking a moment to reflect today. You'll notice that a long-standing problem is no longer at the forefront of your mind. Good. This is an indication of lasting improvement. As a burden falls from your shoulders, you'll be able to move on from a difficult aspect of your past and look forward to a more promising future. If you want magic to enter your life, you just have to make space to let it in.

May 29, 2024

If life was composed entirely of black/white, right/wrong options, we wouldn't have any need for shades of grey. Some people have their internal settings permanently set to high contrast. Unless a situation, emotion, or experience is intense, they're not interested. You're struggling to deal with a scenario which, depending on your mood, is constantly shifting. Today brings a different way of looking at it. If you appreciate all its different aspects, you'll find a middle-ground approach that holds oodles of positive potential.

May 28, 2024

They say 'necessity is the mother of invention'. But that implies that we need to need something in order to create something new. Yet when want something badly, and we're under pressure, we don't always act in the most inspired way. In fact, we can end up creating more trouble! There's another option when it comes to being inventive. It stems from understanding that a better alternative is possible. With your ruler in Gemini, your eye for beauty enables you to find a delightfully inventive way to solve a problem today.

May 27, 2024

There's an old saying that tells us that 'if a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes a truth'. In these days of misinformation and fake news, it seems that certain people are aware of this theory, and think it works. Yet the process of changing a myth into a fact is complex; the teller of the story needs to be convincing. And the listener has to be prepared to be convinced. Don't be tempted to buy into a fantasy today. But don't dismiss a crazy idea either. Something that seems too good to be true could be achievable.