Bravo, Missguided! The online retailer just released theirAutumn/Winter plus-size campaign starring gorgeous model Barbara Ferreira – andthere wasn't a single scrap of retouching involved.
The stunning photos show the 19-year-old, who is known onsocial media as 'Barbie', rocking the brand's latest offerings without anyPhotoshop.

Barbie is the brand's new face
"I loved working with Missguided on this newcampaign," said Barbara in a statement.
"The clothes are a statement, and anyone can haveaccess to this collection. Missguided doesn't exclude anyone's beauty and theyprovide a range that isn't like anything else. The clothes are fearless andjust in a few extra sizes. The collection can let you be a badass bitch withoutan asterisk of label."

The 19-year-old is completely unretouched in the shots
Amazing. Exactly what the industry needed, the Missguided+collection includes trend-led, stylish and sexy pieces any woman of any sizewould want in their wardrobe.
The brand first worked with Barbie back in 2015. The socialmedia star's Instagram account shows a glimpse into the gorgeous teenager'slife.

Barbie is signed with Wilhelmina models
While she exudes confidence in her shots and duringinterviews, it took Barbie a while to feel comfortable in her own skin.
"I've always struggled a ton with my body image, and Iwanted to help other people not feel so ashamed about themselves. It's acompletely unnecessary part of everyday life," she told Glamour.

"I don't follow anyone [on social media] who I think istrying to sell the dream that everything is perfect."
We have a new Insta-girl crush.