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A parasite cleanse cleared my brain fog and bloating - much to my surprise

Writer Maisie Bovingdon tried a parasite cleanse for clearer skin, mental clarity and digestive health

Maisie Bovingdon
Freelance Writer
August 19, 2024
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Parasite cleanses have wormed their way onto my Instagram feed (pardon the pun), with people documenting their experiences in graphic detail - from black-stained teeth, due to grape juices, to close-ups of tapeworms in their stools.  

Despite these unsettling visuals, I was intrigued to try a parasite cleanse to combat fatigue, low energy, brain fog and ongoing digestive issues.  

Here’s everything you need to know about parasites, parasite cleanses, and how I fared on Rejuv Wellness’ 30-day detox.

Woman holding a glass with liquid in it
The parasite cleanse was a multi-step procedure

What is a parasite?

A parasite is an organism that lives on, or in, its host, either a human or animal, and feeds on its nutrients, which negatively impacts the carrier's health.

There are different types of parasites, including, "Protozoa (single cell), Helminths (worms), or Ectoparasites (lice and ticks)", explained Dr. Simoné Laubscher founder of parasite cleanse brand Rejuv Wellness founder.

Not everyone has a parasite, but, statistics from World Health Organization (WHO) claimed parasitic infections impact approximately 25% of the world's population.

Parasitic infections are more common in tropical climates, or areas with limited access to clean water and sanitation, but insect bites, close contact with infected individuals or animals, and poor hygiene can also lead to an infection.

woman in a black off the shoulder dress© Instagram
Dr. Simoné Laubscher shares the benefits of a parasite cleanse

As a child, my family warned me biting my nails could lead to worms, but I dismissed the comment as an old wives' tale – I was wrong. Dr. Simoné confirmed: "Parasitic eggs can get lodged under your nail and you eat them."

Symptoms of a parasite

Parasites deplete essential nutrients the body needs and produce toxins, which cause inflammation and disease.

Parasitic infections can disrupt the gut bacteria, which contributes to gastrointestinal issues, as well as fatigue, brain fog, skin conditions, or more sinister medical conditions.

Dr. Simoné highlighted: "Low energy, IBS symptoms, irregular mood swings, struggling to lose weight, feeling overwhelmed, depression, anxiety, as well as fungal infections and acne can be signs of a parasitic infection."

What is a parasite cleanse?

A parasite cleanse is a natural detox intended to remove parasites, heavy metals, and toxins from the body, while improving gut health, cognitive functions, and general wellbeing.

The leading nutritionist and naturopath insisted anyone can benefit from a parasite cleanse, especially those with confirmed parasitic infections, or frequent travellers to high-risk areas.

lots of bottles of supplements
The parasite cleanse

The cleanse is not limited to parasite hosts, and can serve as a "preventative measure", or a way to reset the mind and body.

Dr. Simoné explained: "Parasites, fungus and candida, are all part of a normal human microbiome, but they're an issue when they overgrow and undermine your health."

However, pregnant women and individuals with compromised immune systems or chronic illnesses should avoid a cleanse.

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A typical parasite cleanse involves avoiding gluten, dairy, and raw and processed meats, while incorporating anti-inflammatory ingredients, including garlic, ginger, turmeric, and pumpkin seeds, into your diet.

These dietary adjustments, combined with natural supplements, stress management, hydration and sleep hygiene, further aid the detox.  

Timing the cleanse over a full moon is also crucial to kill the parasite and its eggs. The nutritionist explained: "Over a full moon your body produces less melatonin and more serotonin, which encourages parasites to reproduce, therefore incorporating the lunar cycle can achieve the most thorough cleanse."

Benefits of a parasite cleanse

There are numerous health benefits from completing a parasite cleanse.

Dr. Simoné detailed: "A cleanse improves nutrient absorption and gut function, reduces general inflammation and neuroinflammation, enhances overall brain function and clarity, supports the gut-brain axis, and boosts key neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA and dopamine. It reduces digestive stress, bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements, improves immune function, as well as energy levels."

However, there can be negative symptoms in the initial phase of the cleanse, which present as flu-like symptoms, headaches, stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhoea as the parasites die off.

Woman with hands on stomach suffering from pain © Getty
During a parasite cleanse we might feel gut issues

How long should you do a parasite cleanse?

Dr. Simoné recommended a 30-day cleanse to break old habits and effectively expel parasites, while those with chronic gut issues may benefit from a 100-day cleanse, or repeating the detox biannually.

She explained: "Resetting your gut typically takes about 30 days. This allows for significant changes in the gut microbiota, and the repair of the gut lining, which regenerates approximately every three to five days. However, it takes longer for the entire gut lining to heal if damaged by chronic inflammation."

My parasite cleanse experience

For decades I have struggled with digestive issues, I was even prescribed laxatives for a year by my GP, and recently my frazzled mind has wandered more than I do into Selfridges' bag department.

I attributed these symptoms to my busy career and poor diet and never considered a parasite could be the culprit, yet Dr. Simoné informed me my symptoms made me a prime candidate for a parasite cleanse.

I began the 30-day detox using Rejuv’s Gut Healing Pack (Full Moon Parasite Cleanse) - created by Dr. Simoné, who also formulates Elle Macpherson’s WelleCo supplement range -  and timed it to coincide with July's full moon – information I could easily track using my iPhone's weather map – who knew?

The 'Rejuv Gut Healing Kit' includes 'Gut Repair', 'Para Cleanse', 'Candida Gone', 'Natural Lax' supplements, as well as a 'Digestive Complex' powder, which have been formulated with natural ingredients that boast anti-viral, anti-bacterial, as well as anti-fungal properties to support the cleanse and gut repair.

A hand holding supplements
The parasite cleanse included lots of supplements

I want to stress my goal wasn't to lose weight, so I didn't weigh or measure myself before or after the detox. Primarily, I wanted to alleviate IBS symptoms, reduce relentless bloating, boost my mood and energy levels, improve concentration and minimise brain fog.

I also hoped to reduce my dermatitis, which is believed to be linked to candida overgrowth.

I started my parasite cleanse on July 15, a week before the Buck Moon on July 21.  However, Dr. Simoné recommended starting a fortnight before the full moon "for a complete parasite cleanse and to kill off all three generations of adults, infants and eggs."

Eating while on a parasite cleanse

Preparation was vital for me. As I work from home, the fridge is my faithful colleague that tempts me with unhealthy snacks hourly. But this cleanse required a significant dietary overhaul to starve parasites. I stocked up on nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods, and I meticulously washed all fruit and vegetables in water and cider vinegar – a simple, yet essential, step to avoid "eating microscopic eggs that can hatch inside of the gut", warned Dr. Simoné.

I replaced my morning coffee with alternatives, such as fresh mint water, hot lemon, Rejuv's 'Wellness Water' - a homemade electrolyte drink with lemon juice, ginger and Celtic salt - or a celery and cucumber juice, and drank two to three litres of water a day to flush out toxins.

Breakfast consisted of a chia pudding with berries and almond milk – free from gut-irritating emulsifiers or rapeseed oils - while lunches and dinners ranged from chicken or tuna avocado salads, vegetable curries, fish with roasted vegetables, to courgetti with homemade pesto and prawns.

Female manager has migraine, headache is overworked in her job, burnout syndrome for corporate worker. Woman feeling under pressure, health problems.© Getty
Maisie found herself with migraines at the start of the cleanse

Admittedly, the first few days were difficult.  I had incessant migraines, struggled to focus due to those headaches, felt fatigued, and had intense cravings. To be fully transparent, if I hadn't prepared healthy meals, I would have caved on day one.

Alarmed by these intense symptoms, yet determined not to fall at the first hurdle, I contacted the gut expert for advice, who reassured me these symptoms were normal and a healing mechanism.

She explained: "Initial effect can be seen within a few days, and some feel worse before they feel better due to the parasite and candida die off. After two to four weeks clients feel great. If you feel flat or emotional, it's normal."

Though the cleanse typically avoids carbs and sugar, Dr. Simoné adjusted my diet to incorporate brown rice to avoid extreme weight loss and manage the die-off safely, hence why a guided cleanse is paramount.

By the end of the first week, my migraines vanished and my bloating reduced significantly. My toilet habits became regular, I felt more focused, I started to establish healthier diet and lifestyle habits, and had a spring in my step.

I am not usually a creature of habit, but this cleanse encouraged me to create new routines. I started my mornings by sipping an ice-cold ginger and lemon water that was more energising than a B12 vitamin and double espresso chaser at 7am, which only makes me jittery instead of clear-headed.

I also found healthier alternatives to satiate my sweet cravings, such as apples with a dusting of cinnamon, or fresh berries with a squeeze of citrus for a sharp kick similar to Haribo's Tangfastics.

I'm no Gillian McKeith, but I made a conscious effort to inspect my faeces during this cleanse to monitor any parasitic releases.  Despite the intense die-off symptoms, I didn't see visible signs of a parasite expulsion, like some claimed to on social media, and I felt despondent.

READ: I tried a colon cleanse and the results were not what I expected

However, Dr. Simoné insisted parasites are not always visible: "Often parasites are Protozoa, so you pass them, but don't see anything, despite getting all the symptoms."

The post-full moon week coincided with my period, which typically leaves me bloated, constipated, and craving sugar, yet I sailed through with minimal discomfort or symptoms.

In recent years, I have become prone to hormonal breakouts, despite enjoying spot-free teens and twenties. However, this cleanse visibly improved my complexion, reduced pesky blemishes and puffiness too.

Close up of woman's skin before and after a parasite cleanse
Maisie's skin improved after her parasite cleanse

Mid-way through the cleanse an important meeting loomed. Normally, I would be riddled with anxiety days prior, and struggle to sleep, but I developed a newfound mental clarity; I felt calm, confident and focussed, which pleasantly surprised me.  

In the final week, with the August full moon approaching, I contemplated continuing the parasite cleanse because I felt completely revitalised.

Despite moments of indulgence, my bloating was less severe and easier to manage. Conscious of slipping back into old habits I sought Dr. Simoné's advice, who advocated WelleCo's 'The Super Elixir' for maintenance, and an 80:20 lifestyle: "Mostly you eat clean, but one day a week you balance with fun foods, if desired. Don't return to unhealthy eating habits and binge. It is not meant to be a war on parasites, but good 'housekeeping' so your ratio of helpful microbes outweighs your harmful ones."

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My parasite cleanse verdict

I don't support fads or extreme diets, so I was sceptical about the parasite cleanse, but I achieved everything I hoped for and felt the best I have in my skin for a long time.

The cleanse improved various areas of my life almost instantly; from mental clarity, and productivity, to reduced bloating, and gut and skin health, plus my hormones felt balanced. It successfully broke my unhealthy habits, and encouraged me to build new.

woman taking a selfie in a white shirt
Maisie is feeling good after her parasite cleanse

The parasite cleanse also taught me a lot about my body, what helps me function at my best, my triggers physically, mentally, emotionally, and it has made me hyper aware of the ingredients I consume.

Although you can "fast-track" the cleanse for two weeks across a full moon, which I would consider in the future to avoid cancelling plans, I understand why Dr. Simoné recommended the longer duration to effectively reset the body and mind.

The only downside is the expense of a parasite cleanse, including forking out £167 on the kit (and that's on sale), and costly food shops to stock up on fresh produce, but it is worthwhile, and I strongly recommend it.

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