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woman smiling in a white shirt © Tim Burden

Changing my life in my 40s was the making of me

Author Hilary Salzman shares how she finally learned to make her voice heard in midlife

By: Hilary Salzman
6 hours ago
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At 44, I'm navigating life with a teenage daughter who seems to be growing up faster than I can keep up with, while also realising my parents aren't getting any younger.

The mental load is constant, and the pressures remain; juggling my business, family, and wellbeing is no small feat. Here's the difference though. I know who I am now. I know the story I want to tell, and I'm comfortable using my true voice. But it hasn't always been that way – not just for me but for countless other women too.

Building a business in midlife is completely different from when I started in my late twenties. Back then, I was riddled with the nagging feeling that I wasn't good enough. I constantly tried to mould myself into an image of success that didn't feel authentic– I felt I should look, speak and show up in the world in a certain way that didn't really reflect who I was. That pressure left me burnt out and deeply unhappy.

Woman in a scarf © Tim Burden
Hilary finally learned to make her voice heard in midlife

Fast forward to today, and I've shed so much of that baggage. Leaving behind the corporate marketing world, where I felt alien for almost twenty years, and setting up my boutique storytelling business, aligned with my values and purpose, was the making of me.

With experience comes a certain confidence—you realise you don't need to conform to anyone else's standards. You can create a career, business, or life that aligns with who you truly are. This is the power of midlife: it's an opportunity to fully embrace your story, be unapologetically yourself and make your voice heard.

Being held back

But many women in midlife still hold back, fearing judgment or grappling with imposter syndrome. We downplay our accomplishments and silence our voices, even though we have so much wisdom to share. Much of this stems from the impact of a patriarchal society and the weight of expectations placed on women—not just by men, but by other women too, especially on social media.

In a world where we're told to dream big, we're simultaneously reminded not to take up too much space. Intelligent women with opinions are labelled bossy, and any deviation from the status quo can invite a patronising, "calm down, dear."

With casual and systemic sexism embedded in almost every aspect of our lives, it's no wonder women are still anxious about using their voices.

woman with a yellow mug wearing a leopard print scarf© Tim Burden
Hilary helps other women be heard in midlife

Telling our stories

Despite these odds, we have a superpower: our stories. When we share our own experiences, we not only take back control of the narrative but also inspire others to do the same.

We become the role models we didn't have growing up, paving the way for a future generation of women to rewrite the stories that have held us back for decades.

Here are five powerful ways to make your voice heard in midlife, allowing you to live and work in a way that's true to who you are.

READ: Menopause has given me freedom: 18 women on finding the positives 

Making your voice heard in midlife

1. Unlock the power of your personal story

We all have a unique collection of experiences, but too often, we hesitate to share them, fearing they aren't important enough. Your personal story is where your power lies. The challenges, triumphs and everything in between make you unique.

In midlife, you've gathered decades of insight that can inspire others. Whether you're leading a team, building a business, or navigating personal relationships, sharing your authentic story not only helps others but also solidifies your sense of purpose.

2. Live alongside imposter syndrome

I've learned that imposter syndrome never entirely disappears—it's something we learn to live with. The key isn't waiting for self-doubt to go away; it's about acknowledging it and pushing forward anyway.

In midlife, you have the advantage of knowing yourself better than ever. You've already proven your capabilities—whether at home, at work, or in your community. Use those moments of doubt as a reminder that you're growing, evolving, and pushing beyond your comfort zone. That's where real growth happens.

READ: Menopause made me feel like an imposter – but now I'm more liberated than ever 

3. Own your space with confidence

One of the greatest gifts of midlife is the realisation that you don't need permission to take up space—you've earned it. Gone are the days of shrinking to fit someone else's narrative. It's time to confidently step into your full potential, knowing your experience and expertise are valuable.

Own your space unapologetically, whether it's in the boardroom, during a client pitch, or within your personal circles. Speak with confidence, assert your ideas, and trust that your voice deserves to be heard. The world needs more women who are willing to lead authentically.

woman smiling in a white shirt © Tim Burden
Hilary shares how to make yourself heard

4. Align your story with your goals

As we navigate midlife, it's natural to start questioning where we're headed next. It's a time of reflection and an opportunity to realign our personal stories with our goals.

What do you want the next chapter of your life to look like? Are you creating something that aligns with your values and aspirations? Or is your current narrative holding you back?

Your voice is most powerful when it's connected to your true desires. Start telling the story of where you're going, not just where you've been. This is your chance to define your future on your own terms, using your voice to create a vision that aligns with who you are now.

5. Network in a way that feels genuine

Midlife brings a deeper understanding of what truly matters, including the relationships we build. Networking doesn't need to feel like a chore or a performance. It's about fostering genuine connections rooted in shared values and mutual support.

Seek spaces where you can be yourself—where conversations are meaningful, and relationships are authentic. Personally, I find women only groups work best for me. When you network from a place of honesty and shared goals, the connections you build will be stronger and more supportive. Remember, your voice in these spaces matters as much as anyone else's.

Let your voice roar!

In midlife, we're often faced with caring for others—our children, parents, and communities. But it's just as important to care for ourselves and honour the voice we've cultivated over decades.

You're no longer the woman you were in your twenties or thirties—you've grown, evolved, and gained invaluable wisdom. It's time to use that wisdom to build a meaningful, authentic life. Your voice is not only powerful; it's essential. The world needs to hear it. So, take up space, speak up, and let your story guide the way forward. It's time to roar!

© Tim Burden

Hilary Salzman is a business storytelling expert, podcaster and speaker. She is the author of The Roar of Her Story – How to Tell Everyday Stories to Attract Your Dream Client and Build a Business That’s Unapologetically You.

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