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Capricorn forecast for Tuesday May 14, 2024

Updated: 4 hours ago
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Nurture a spirit of collaboration today. Communicate calmly and clearly. If you see any signs of conflict, use your skills to promote peace. In the legacy of the planet of love's link with your ruler, Saturn, you can afford to stand back and concede to other people's demands. You're being blessed with creative energy that can be employed in a variety of ways. Positive possibilities are presenting themselves. And what could be better than taking friends on this journey with you? Your relationships will benefit from your success.

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May 13, 2024

Some days are good days. Some aren't so good. And sometimes, we think the day ahead is going to be difficult, but it turns out to be less challenging than we thought. Today though, doesn't fit into any of these categories. It has the potential to be a day you won't forget (for the right reasons). As Venus (planet of love) links to your ruler, Saturn, although there's no surefire guarantee that everything will go perfectly, whatever you do you'll experience a degree of emotional satisfaction that you can build on in the days to come.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some people live by the old maxim, 'once bitten, twice shy.' If they experience anything that goes wrong, they go out of their way to avoid repeating the mistake. But is it a good philosophy to follow? You're a resilient, determined Capricorn. You're more of an 'if at first you don't succeed, try again' kind of person. If you apply the latter attitude to your emotional world this week, not only will you learn a positive lesson about the value of patience, you'll be rewarded with a response that makes your heart sing. Keep going... and trust.

May 11, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: We often hear people proclaiming that a change is due. Usually, it's politicians. Or scientists. You're not particularly impressed by such statements. Experience has taught you that things tend to roll along in the same old way (despite the enthusiastic prognostications). Yet this week, don't dismiss an exciting suggestion. It could turn out to be realistic. Sometimes, delightful surprises come into our lives. And circumstances and patterns change. Not everything in your world is about to start afresh. But something is!

May 10, 2024

You could spend this weekend pondering a question you're unlikely to answer. Or, you could accept that there are some things you'll never understand and get on with your life. I'd advise the latter option! I know you'd like to find a neat way to settle an ongoing confusion. And that you're rethinking something you thought you'd investigated, but which has thrown up something that doesn't fit into your explanation. But if you come to terms with the fact that you might not ever be fully in the picture, you'll be able to move on. Phew.

May 09, 2024

There's a residual issue that needs to be sorted before you're free to move onwards. Which might not be what you want to hear! But if you don't deal with it, it will carry on weighing you down and impeding your progress. And with the possibilities opening up in your world, that would be a shame. So, even though you've already got a full to-do list, you'd be well-advised to put this to the top of your agenda. It's about an emotional debt that, in your heart, you know deserves to be recognised. It could be as simple as saying 'thank you'.

May 08, 2024

Is your phone capable of downloading the latest software? Does your TV need an upgrade? Don't you know how much easier and better your life will be once you've invested in the latest product? After all, according to the ads, the most recent versions will change your life. It's so easy to get caught up in the hype! Luckily, the cosmological software upgrade offered by the New Moon is more fundamental (and trustworthy). Once it's installed, your processing powers will be smoother, clearer, and more accurate. Ready?