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Taurus forecast for Tuesday May 14, 2024

Updated: 3 hours ago
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When you set your mind to something there's little you can't achieve. So, in the legacy of the link between your ruler, Venus, and Saturn, you need to think about what you're trying to do. You don't want to waste this opportunity. Yes, someone has made a mistake. But do you need to go the effort of pointing out what they could have done better? Rather than focusing on the past, set your mind to the future. If you think about your goals and how you might realise them, you can take an important step on the road to success today.

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May 13, 2024

When you're involved in a team sport, you need to know which side you're on. If it's taking place on a pitch, you need to know which direction you're playing in. Once that's clear you can focus on other details; like what your role is meant to be, what skills you need, and the qualities of your teammates. The initial assessment process is vital in order to stand a chance of being successful. Today brings revelatory information that enables you to work out a winning strategy. Working collaboratively with someone, you can triumph.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Life is full of opposites. Like night and day - we need both so we can appreciate the hours of darkness and the hours of light. And if we didn't have difficult situations to deal with, we wouldn't value times of calm contentment. Life's challenges and dramas help us appreciate what we have. If you're anticipating stressful moments this week, your ruler's presence in your sign helps you approach them with a positive mindset. The upside, is that with so many good things starting to happen, you'll be able to deal with any problems with ease.

May 11, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: "Don't think love has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired." Mother Teresa wasn't referring to affairs of the heart. She was talking about the expansive love we feel for our fellow humans and our planet. With Venus, your ruler, in your sign, your compassionate nature is being enhanced. By demonstrating attributes like kindness and consideration you'll draw those qualities into your life. You're being gifted with the creativity to use them to heal yourself, and others. Do that, and it will be a good week.

May 10, 2024

Artists are magicians. They conjure beauty, mystery, and magic out of thin air. They start with an intangible idea, and gradually it grows into something tangible. The problem is that it's all too easy to take this process and apply it to our concerns. When our imagination leaps into action, tiny problems can become overwhelming. We get anxious rather than inspired. With your ruler, Venus, in your sign, linking to imaginative Neptune, your creative powers are being super-charged. Make sure you channel them into something positive.

May 09, 2024

Although we're all conscious about rising prices and saving money, there's a balance to be found. If we're not careful, we can end up making false economies and buying things that don't work/last. And we all deserve to treat ourselves sometimes. It doesn't have to be expensive; even a small indulgence can make us feel good. You're entitled to a bit of luxury. You've underestimated your value to other people. It might not sound serious, but it's affecting your sense of self-worth. The cosmos brings a gift today. Enjoy.

May 08, 2024

Young people are interested in infinity and eternity. But (unless they're teenage Einsteins) it soon becomes clear that human minds can't comprehend these concepts. So they turn their attention to more tangible pursuits. Then, before they know it, they're adults; and life obliges them to think of pragmatic things like paying the bills. It's much easier to focus on practicalities than paradoxes. If you've been struggling to understand something, the New Moon brings the willpower to keep trying. A life-changing idea is possible.